The most anticipated penthouses of 2017

Просмотров: 3198
Published on: 29 August 2017
Views: 3198

There were the facilities in Moscow elite housing market that were planned to be delivered before the end of the year. experts have chosen three complexes executed in different architectural styles: refined European, eclectic industrial and monumental soviet. You can buy a penthouse on the roof of each of them.

Nabokov in Golden mile

«Nabokov» is a European-style clubhouse from « Vesper» company. The developer named the object in the honor of Vladimir Nabokov, the writer.

It is noteworthy, but the descendant of an ancient noble family, four-time nominee for the Nobel Prize and the author of the scandalous novel «Lolita», Nabokov never was in Moscow and did not write about it a single line. He spent all his life, travelling from Europe to America and back.

Vneshniaya stena klubnogo doma Nabokov

The outer wall of «Nabokov» at the intersection of Pozharsky and Kursovy lanes.


«Nabokov» clubhouse is located on the territory of the capital Golden mile – that is how realtors call a triangle between Ostozhenka, Prechistenskaya embankment and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The most expensive square meter and the densest concentration of elite real estate in Moscow is on Ostozhenka streets.

The developer of the project quotes Nabokov: «The dream and reality merge in love», refers to Armani: «The secret of luxury life is in the absence of everything superfluous», and positions the complex in the style of «restrained minimalism» as a new business card of Ostozhenka.

Risunok na vnutrenney storone Nabokova vypolnen s pomoshiu dekorativnoy podsvetki

The «picture» on the inner wall of «Nabokov» is made with the help of decorative lighting.


The leading role in decorating «Nabokov» is played by Jurassic marble. The masonry of oblong blocks from natural stone gives the facade a «velvety» structure, while its use in interior design of the apartments is luxuriously concise.

Fasad klubnogo doma Nabokov vypolnen iz yurskogo mramora

«Velvety» decoration of the facade is made of Jurassic marble.


«Nabokov» has six floors, 15 apartments and 32 parking spaces. The sixth floor of «Nabokov» is occupied by a penthouse with a terrace with the total area of ​​500 m2. brokers offer special conditions for this object. To find out the cost of a penthouse in «Nabokov», call +7 (495) 320-95-50.

Otkrytaya terrasa penthausa v Nabokove

You can see an open terrace of the penthouse in «Nabokov» from the alley.


The terrace of the penthouse in «Nabokov» overlook the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the alleys of Ostozhenka.

Vid s terrasy Nabokova na Hram Hrista Spasitelya

You can see the domes of the main Russian church from the penthouse terrace in «Nabokov».


The developer offers to buy a penthouse, as well as all other apartments in «Nabokov», with interior design.

Interier spalni v apartamentah Nabokova

Interior design of the bedroom in the penthouse in «Nabokov».


The idea of ​​the interior design corresponds to the aesthetics of minimalism – fewer details, more sense. It remains to relax and contemplate.

Interier vannaoy komnaty Nabokova

The interior design of the bathroom, as well as the facade of «Nabokov», is created with the help of Jurassic marble.


The clubhouse was planned to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2017, but you can buy a penthouse in «Nabokov» at any time.


Bolshevik on «Belorusskaya» metro station

The complex of loft-apartments «Bolshevik» is a reconstruction of confectionery factory with the same name. It was founded by French entrepreneur Adolf Siu in 1855. At that time, the enterprise was called «A. Sioux and K». Thanks to the architect's discovery - the facades of red and yellow bricks - the factory then became an all-Russian architectural landmark.

Siu enterprise was famous not only for architecture. In 1913, the factory was awarded the title of «Supplier of the Court of His Imperial Majesty» for its legendary «Jubilee» biscuit. Four years later, it was nationalized and renamed into «Bolshevik». A successful manufacturer distinguished himself in front of Soviet authority as well. In 1971, he was awarded the Order of Lenin for «early implementation of the Ninth Five-Year Plan».

Naruzhnye steny fabriki Bolshevik

The outer walls of «Bolshevik» preserved the original facades of the middle of the XIX century.


In the 90s of last century, the factory again moved to the French - «Danone» company bought out «Bolshevik», and then successfully closed it.

25 years later, it was decided to reconstruct the surviving factory buildings into a loft apartment of a premium class.

In 2016, at European Property Awards international exhibition, which has been taking place in London since 2008, the jury recognized the reconstruction of «Bolshevik» as the best redevelopment project in Russia.

The architectural principle of «Bolshevik» is a mixture of epochs. As a tribute to industrial history, the architects preserved the «native» facades of the factory. As a sign of modernity, the architects put the French balconies and added objects of attraction.

Ornament na stenah Bolshevika

Each building of «Bolshevik» is decorated with its own ornament of light brick.


The staircase has become one of such objects. It allows climbing from the ground to the last floor. Stair flights executed of dark steel are hidden from the outside world by transparent glass. When evening lights turn on, a soft and warm light reaches the courtyard of «Bolshevik» that refracts in numerous angles in the patterns of metal rails.

Lestnica v ZHK Bolshevik

In the evening illumination, the staircase made of glass and metal becomes the main art object of «Bolshevik».


The complex of loft-apartments «Bolshevik» consists of three 3-7 floor buildings, which contain 190 apartments with floor-to-ceiling windows. The developer offers to choose one of four options for interior design and buy apartments with decoration, light and plumbing.

You can buy a penthouse with a terrace on the 7th floor of «Bolshevik». The total area of ​​the two-level penthouse is 230 m2, and the height of the ceilings is 5 meters. The developer sells it without interior design, so any design project can be implemented inside. The cost of the penthouse is 65 million rubles.

Vid s terrasy Bolshevika

The panoramic windows of the penthouse in «Bolshevik» overlook the skyscrapers of «Moscow City».


The penthouse has the access to the roof garden...

Zimnye sady na kryshe Bolshevika

You can find closed winter and open summer gardens on the roofs of «Bolshevik».


... or go down to the fenced and guarded yard.

Vnutrennyi dvor Bolshevika

The courtyard is protected by «Bolshevik» buildings from street noise.


The complex was planned to be delivered in the fourth quarter of 2017, but you can buy a penthouse in «Bolshevik» at any moment.


Clubhouse on Kotelnicheskaya street

House on 31 Kotelnicheskaya street is located within two kilometers to Red Square. It has a direct access to the embankment, a panoramic view of the Kremlin and the skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya street.

From the point of view of architecture, the clubhouse on Kotelnicheskaya is the triumph of monumental classicism, or, as it is called, the «Stalin Empire» style.

Vid na dom na Kotelnicheskoy so storony naberezhnoy

The house on Kotelnicheskaya from the side of the Moskva River «fits the place».


The facade of the new building looks like it revived the undeservedly forgotten project of a Soviet architect.

vnutrennyi fasad doma na Kotelnicheskoy

The facade of the house on Kotelnicheskaya looks monumental both from the embankment and from the courtyard.


The house on Kotelnicheskaya is also famous for its spacious penthouses, which the developer proposes to combine horizontally or vertically.

Terrasy penthausov v dome na Kotelniheskoy

Open terraces of penthouses are located on the multi-level roof of the house on Kotelnicheskaya.


You can buy a two-level penthouse with the area of ​​350 m2 in the house on Kotelnicheskaya. There is the access to own terrace, overlooking the best view of the Kremlin, compared to the terraces of other penthouses. The apartments are sold with free layout and without interior design.

Terrasa penthausa v dome na Kotelnicheskoy

The penthouse terrace in the house on Kotelnicheskaya overlook the «hedge» of the terrace of the neighboring penthouse.


The courtyard of the clubhouse with th view of the Moskva River is closed for parking and views of strangers, and there is three-level underground parking.

Zakrytyi dvor doma na Kotelnicheskoy

You can see the Moskva River and the embankment from the territory of the compound courtyard of the house on Kotelnicheskaya.


The residents of the complex will be able to enjoy with 24/7 concierge service. With the help of the concierge, they will be able to order food, call a personal chef, nanny or cleaner. There will be a restaurant, a SPA center and a wellness club, open only to the residents of the complex, on the ground floor.

At the time of the preparation of the article, the group of companies «Russkiy Monolit» introduced «Clubhouse on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment» into operation. Now you can buy a penthouse here, formalize it in the property and immediately proceed to the finishing.

To buy a penthouse in «Bolshevik», «Nabokov» and «Clubhouse on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment» residential complexes, call the experts of project by phone +7 (495) 320-95-50.

We will show you the apartments the next day and, if necessary, help you to arrange a mortgage. We work with love and free of charge.

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