Penthouses in the RC «Titul на Серебрянической»

Найдено пентхаусов — 6
District: Taganskiy
Lot 636
Square296 m²
Bedrooms 4
Floor 8
260 640 000 Р880 500 Р
$ 3 046 000$ 10 300
€ 2 784 000€ 9 400
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District: Taganskiy
Lot 637
Square276 m²
Bedrooms 3
Floor 8
307 940 000 Р1 115 700 Р
$ 3 599 000$ 13 000
€ 3 290 000€ 11 900
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District: Taganskiy
Lot 638
Square274 m²
Bedrooms 3
Floor 6
273 900 000 Р999 600 Р
$ 3 201 000$ 11 700
€ 2 926 000€ 10 700
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District: Taganskiy
Lot 639
Square222 m²
Bedrooms 3
Floor 6
251 570 000 Р1 133 200 Р
$ 2 940 000$ 13 200
€ 2 687 000€ 12 100
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District: Taganskiy
Lot 640
Square245 m²
Bedrooms 3
Floor 8
228 590 000 Р933 000 Р
$ 2 671 000$ 10 900
€ 2 442 000€ 10 000
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District: Taganskiy
Lot 641
Square251 m²
Bedrooms 3
Floor 8
229 490 000 Р914 300 Р
$ 2 682 000$ 10 700
€ 2 452 000€ 9 800
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In the catalog - new objects, penthouses at a special price, ideas for accommodation and expert advices

Updated: 15.03.25

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