Moscow «golden mile», or 5 reasons to buy a penthouse in Ostozhenka

Просмотров: 3850
Published on: 11 August 2017
Views: 3850

The «golden mile» is a street with expensive housing, offices and shops. This term was invented by Canadian writer Hugh McLennan. In his «Two Loneliness» novel, he named Villare-Marie, a neighborhood of Montreal at the foot of Mount Royal, as «the square of golden mile». The author chose the name not accidentally: in the 19th century industrial magnates from England and Scotland built Villers-Marie with luxurious mansions.

The creative idea of McLennan was picked up by realtors. They began to call the elite areas of New York, Paris, London, Hong Kong and other cities around the world as the «golden miles».

In 1997, the «golden mile» appeared in Moscow. The founder of the construction company «RGI International», Boris Kuzinets, began to build elite houses in the triangle between Ostozhenka and Prechistenskaya embankment. He was not the first developer here, but realtors call him «the father of Ostozhenka».


Vid s Molochnogo doma na Kopper House i Butikovskiy 5

The view from the terrace of the complex in Molochny lane at Copper-House and Butikovsky, 5. All the objects were built by RGI International.


Kuzinets turned the Moscow real estate market upside down. He was the first Russian developer who paid the ultimate attention to architecture. For the first time after the «Stalin Empire», Moscow evidenced the buildings that were executed, basing on European architectural trends. Kuzinets also built the apartments as if «for himself». According to the entrepreneur, to think over the ergonomics of an apartment, he imagined himself to be a party-goer or a family man.

That is how the first clubhouses emerged in Moscow: with one apartment on the floor, an elevator to the apartment, ceilings higher that 3 meters, panoramic windows and private terraces. The highlight of clubhouses are penthouses, the status and quality of which are relevant even today.

There are five good reasons to buy a penthouse on Ostozhenka.


Reason 1: personal view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Ostozhenka is the territory of low-rise buildings. Old mansions and profitable houses rarely exceed 3-5 floors. Club houses of the «golden mile» are 1-2 floors higher. This was enough for Ostozhenka penthouses to obtain unique characteristics. For example, for those who want to buy a penthouse in Moscow, the view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior is in second priority after viewing the Kremlin.

One of the best penthouses of the «golden mile» occupies the 6th-7th floors in «Neobidenniy Dom» residential complex. The apartment with the area of 400 m² has a glass roof, panoramic windows, a private terrace and a view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.



The view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the penthouse in «Neobidenniy Dom» residential complex.


The penthouse is sold without interior design, so, you can turn it into a family nest or apartment of the capital dandy. Gather in the hall with the whole family or drink wine under the open sky with a soul mate. Enjoy the golden domes from anywhere in the penthouse.

You can buy the penthouse in «Neobidenniy Dom» residential complex for 483 million rubles.


Neobydennyi dom v 1-m Obydenskom pereulke

«Neobidenniy Dom» on 1st Obydenskiy lane, 5


Reason 2: it takes 10 minutes to get from Ostozhenka to the Kremlin along the picturesque promenade

Ostozhenka and Prechistenskaya embankment lead to the Kremlin. Thus, you can straightly get from the «golden mile» to the Kremlin - faster along the city streets, more enjoyable along the embankment.

For example, «Barkley Plaza» residential complex by «Barkley» company stands on the first line of the Prechistenskaya embankment. The penthouse of 282 m2 occupies the 5th floor of the complex. The penthouse has a terrace, interior design and two parking spaces in the underground parking.


Terrasa penthausa Barkli Plaza s vidom na Kreml

The penthouse terrace in «Barkly Plaza» with the view of the Kremlin.


Walk along the embankment to the Kremlin Palace and the Armory, walk along the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and Bolotnaya Square - all the sightseeing are next to your apartment.

Get back home, set up the fire in wood-burning fireplace, turn on the built-in audio system and relax under your favorite music, enjoying the unhurried waters of the Moskva River.

You can buy a penthouse in «Barkli Plaza» 422 million rubles.


Vid na Barkli Plaza so storony parka Muzeon

The view of «Barkli Plaza»and Prechistenskaya embankment from the Museon Art Park.


Reason 3: a quiet oasis in the center of Moscow

The alleys of the «golden mile» are the quietest place in the central Moscow. There are no traffic jams and noisy institutions. Silence is violated by cars of premium class, which float through narrow streets several times a day, and public service employees who blow dust particles off the sidewalks.

In a harmony of silence and order it is difficult to notice that there are no common parks and squares in the «golden mile» - they are hidden in private courtyards of clubhouses.

Thus, there is a «semicircular» building on Molochny lane that draws attention at the background of other buildings. It is one of the most expensive residential complexes in Moscow, which includes the former residence of Ostozhenka's father, is buried in greenery.


Dvor s landshaftnym dizainom v molochnom pereulke

The courtyard with landscaped design, the building on Molochny lane.


The 5th floor of «Molochny Dom» is occupied by a penthouse with a terrace. Its area is 481 m². The penthouse is sold with interior design – just buy it and move in.

Unlike the owners of neighboring penthouses, you have a park with a landscape design. Relax in the shade of the alley, walk by the pond alone, with a partner, with a baby stroller - as you please. Walk in the morning to the pool, in the evening - to the gym or the sauna. Fall asleep by the fireplace, wake up from the ringing of the bells of Zachatyevsky Monastery.

It remains to buy a penthouse in «Molochny Dom». Its cost is 438 million rubles.


Vid na Zachatievskiy monastyr s terrasy penthausa v Molochnom pereulke

The view of Zachatievsky monastery from the penthouse terrace in «Molochny Dom».


Reason 4: being in your sphere

You can compare the penthouses of Ostozhenka with penthouses in other districts of Moscow in the same way as collections of clothes «from-haute couture» and «pret-a-porter». The first designer always sews by hand and by the piece. Buying penthouse «from-haute couture» is expensive and prestigious. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of living « being in your sphere».

Residents of the «golden mile» are the owners of big business. Yandex CEO Arkady Volozh, former president of Bashneft Alexander Korsik are among the,. They say that local property is owned by the oligarch Oleg Deripaska and the owner of Lukoil Vagit Alekperov. You will not meet random people here.


Reason 5: the last chance to buy

In 2013, Boris Kuzinets sold his stake in RGI International. Today he plans to build a skyscraper in New York, therefore, in the foreseeable future, a new elite housing from Kuzinets in Moscow will not appear.

Ideal penthouses from «Ostozhenka's father» will become a rarity. Considering the growth of ruble prices for the «elite» to 11% for 2016, buying a penthouse in the «golden mile» is a reasonable investment of funds.

One of the last lots of RGI in open sale is a penthouse on 5 Butikovsky lane. A two-level penthouse with a terrace occupies the 5th and the 6th floors and is sold without interior design. Its area is 563 m².

Vid na Hram Hrista Spasitelya v Butikovskom, 5

The view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior from the penthouse terrace in «Butikovsky, 5».


Panoramic windows of the penthouse in «Butikovsky, 5» face the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The view of the golden dome in the first rays of the sun will be a pleasant addition to the morning coffee. On the other side of the view will open a private courtyard in Japanese style. Like the gardens of the rising sun, it has a calm contemplation.

In order not to disturb the harmony, go down the silent elevator to the first floor: take the child to the playground, swim in the pool, sit in the sauna and dip into the font. Adjusting the temperature in the apartment, the «Smart House» system will make your return even more enjoyable. Read in front of the fire in the living room in the evenings.

You can buy a penthouse in «Butikovsky, 5 for 900 million rubles.


How to buy a penthouse in Ostozhenka

There are almost no vacant apartments and land for new construction in the «golden mile». Nevertheless, you can still buy a penthouse here, which has its own elevator, a glass roof, a terrace and a unique view of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

To buy a penthouse in the quietest part of central Moscow and within a 10-minute walk from the Kremlin, call the experts of project at +7 (495) 320-95-50.

Within 1 day we will show you the best penthouses of the «golden mile», help you to approve the mortgage and get on the deal. We work with love and free of charge.

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