Blog about penthouses

The most anticipated penthouses of 2017
Просмотров: 3226
Published on: 29 August 2017
Views: 3226

There were the facilities in Moscow elite housing market that were planned to be delivered before the end of the year. experts have chosen three complexes executed in different architectural styles: refined European, eclectic industrial and monumental soviet. You can buy a penthouse on the roof of each of them.

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Published on: 11 August 2017
Views: 3917

The «golden mile» is a street with expensive housing, offices and shops. This term was invented by Canadian writer Hugh McLennan. In his «Two Loneliness» novel, he named Villare-Marie, a neighborhood of Montreal at the foot of Mount Royal, as «the square of golden mile». The author chose the name not accidentally: in the 19th century industrial magnates from England and Scotland built Villers-Marie with luxurious mansions.

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Published on: 9 August 2017
Views: 5996

When every complex is an exclusive, it's hard to choose the right one. Those who plan to buy a penthouse in Moscow, are familiar with the difficulties of this choice. And the reason is not in the volume of the market - there are 160 Moscow penthouses in the open sale. And not even in the price - the cost of penthouses in Moscow starts from 25 million rubles. The fact is that each of them has a unique view of the city.

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catalog of penthouses in Moscow

In the catalog - new objects, penthouses at a special price, ideas for accommodation and expert advices

In the catalog - new objects, penthouses at a special price, ideas for accommodation and expert advices

Updated: 13.03.25

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