Published on: 6 May 2018
Views: 8330
Businessmen and officials, movie and show business stars, famous lawyers and expats live in the towers of Moscow City complex. The project in the Business Center of the capital provides the construction of 20 facilities, including Expocenter, Afimall shopping center and a cinema and concert hall. 15 of them have already been built and put into service.
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Published on: 21 February 2018
Views: 4603
It is enough to have 25 million rubles to buy a penthouse with interior design in Moscow. 500 million rubles will allow you to buy a penthouse with a customized design.
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Published on: 11 October 2017
Views: 4072
Zaryadye Park was opened in Moscow. This is the first park in the center of Moscow for the last 70 years, and it has become a new dominant in the elite real estate market. The architects consider it as the most likely candidate for the top three of the world's best parks, next to London's Hyde Park and New York’s Central Park.
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